Friday, August 5, 2011

Ugh, honestly!

Day 2 has not been that good. I have had a headache since last night and my back is killing me. I mean really hurting. Hurting to breathe or walk. So I have taken it easy. I did have more caffeine which I feel helped me clean the house and make banana bread with my 3 little helpers. It's healthy banana bread but not raw. Hey, I had to do something with all those bananas! So for today I had cherries for breakfast, 2 cheese sandwiches for lunch loaded with lettuce and tomatoes ( I was REALLY craving that), and for dinner I will have a green smoothie with you guessed it, banana bread! :0)
I am going to do a saliva test tomorrow or the next day so I am going to just eat like I have been eating normally. Today is pretty close to normal except that I would eat the enchiladas my family will be eating. Anyway this test is going to tell me if my pituitary is off. I hope it is so I can get some energy through supplements and this raw food lifestyle. I guess the raw food lifestyle will help anything. I'm just so tired of being tired.
So this is it for today. I'll probably not post again until I am back on the raw food wagon and the test is done. So in a few days.

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